For Shannon

Once upon a time, there was a girl named Shannon who was about to turn 21 years old. She was sad that her friends had forgotten her birthday and decided to take a nap to forget how sad she was. So Shannon fell asleep on the couch and had a dream that she was falling down a hole. She landed in a  ADJECTIVE and  ADJECTIVE place called "Shannonland" The sky was a bright shade of  COLOR and the grass was  ADJECTIVE . The branches were covered in slimy  NOUN. The air smelled of  ADJECTIVE  PLURAL NOUN As she explored this world, she met a group of characters who looked just like her friends, Elyn, Chantal, Swetha, and Leah. Each one had a unique trait that reminded Shannon of her friends. Elyn was  TRAIT , Chantal was  TRAIT , Swetha was  TRAIT , and Leah was  TRAIT Elyn guided the way through the forest although she often got them lost. Chantal pointed out a hidden stream where they could splash around and cool off. Swetha offered to share her snacks, which were made from colorful mushrooms and candied flowers. Leah joked around and made them laugh, even when they felt scared or lost. Together, they went on an adventure, jumping over  PLURAL NOUN. They even introduced her to a  ADJECTIVE man who had  ADJECTIVE  BODY PART that was exactly her ideal type. He was even wearing  ADJECTIVE  CLOTHING which was her favorite clothing of clothing on a man! As the night wore on, Shannon started to feel tired and missed her home. She realized that she didn't want to stay in Shannonland forever. She said goodbye to her fantastical friends and promised to remember their adventure together. She woke up to someone ringing her doorbell where she found Elyn, Chantal, Leah and Swetha holding a cake and her favourite oat milk. She smiled knowing today would be a good day.