Gamer Gear MUST-haves

What does a gamer need in order to ensure ultimate victory? *~~~~Sound 'Splosion: This  ADJECTIVE headset brings the  NOUN straight to your  PLACE! With sound so clear, you'll feel like a/an  ANIMAL tracking its prey. *~~~~Crunch Trough: After a long day of battling evil, you definitely need some snacks. How about  NUMBER different varieties including Potato  PLURAL NOUN, Choco Bites, and  ADJECTIVE Frosted Mini Biscuits. Yum! *~~~~Vermintech: This cordless  NOUN allows you to  VERB without any hassle. It's so good you can even use it in (the)  PLACE. *~~~~Doozie Coozie: Are you tired of your  TYPE OF LIQUID spilling all over your  NOUN? Your drink will never  VERB again with this  ADJECTIVE holder. *~~~~Isolator 5000: The ultimate  VERB ENDING IN 'ING' console is here!  NUMBER games at your disposal! You won't want to leave your  NOUN-room ever again!