Prepare To Fight! - A Mario & Luigi Story

*~~~~Mario: What a/an  ADJECTIVE day, eh Luigi? The perfect day for  VERB ENDING IN 'ING' some Koopas. The  TYPE OF FOOD Kingdom is crawling with them! *~~~~Luigi: You're right about that, dear  NOUN. I hope you're ready to  VERB. *~~~~Mario: Ready? I've waited  NUMBER years to  VERB that scoundrel Bowser! *~~~~Luigi: Pipe down. He has  PLURAL PART OF THE BODY everywhere. *~~~~Mario: First, I'll  VERB and grab a/an  TYPE OF FOOD. That'll give me  PLURAL NOUN. *~~~~Luigi: And I'll grab a/an  ADJECTIVE star. Then I'll be the most  ADJECTIVE plumber of all time! *~~~~Mario: Remember we're there to rescue Princess  NOUN, Luigi. Once we do that we'll be heroes! *~~~~Luigi: Then let's slide down that pipe and save the  NOUN! *~~~~Mario: That's the spirit, brother! Get your  NOUN ready. It's time t  VERB!