The Heist

There once was a  NOUN who always  PAST TENSE VERB every  NUMBER seconds. They had a big problem though. They didn't have enough  NOUN! They might have to break  NUMBER laws to get it. This led to a  ADJECTIVE plan. They needed three things, a  NOUN, a  ADJECTIVE  NOUN and something to  VERB with, like a  NOUN. They also grabbed a bunch of  PLURAL NOUN, just in case. They arrived at  STORE NAME to begin their heist. They started  VERB ENDING IN ING, with the hopes that would distract the  ADJECTIVE security guard. Sadly, even with all their preparations, they got caught very  ADVERB. They were sentenced to  NUMBER years in prison and would have to  VERB every day for the rest of their  ADJECTIVE life.