New Wow Patch

Are you ready for patch 10.1 of World of Warcraft? It's going to be a(n) 1  ADJECTIVE adventure! We're going to 2  VERB all of our enemies and become the most 3  ADJECTIVE guild in Azeroth! But first, we need to ask everyone if they're coming back to 4  NOUN with us. So, are you 5  ADVERB planning on joining us? We have a 6  ADJECTIVE new raid team, and we're looking for a few more 7  NOUN to join us. We promise to 8  NOUN the best loot and 9  NOUN drops. It's going to be a 10  VERB ! Don't forget to bring your 11  NOUN and your most 12  ADJECTIVE armor. We'll be raiding 13  ADVERB and 14  VERB to defeat all of our enemies. With our 15  ADJECTIVE strategy and teamwork, we'll take down the 16  NOUN bosses and become the most 17  ADJECTIVE guild in all of Azeroth. So, what do you say? Are you 18  NOUN to join us for patch 10.1 of World of Warcraft? We can't wait to 19  ADJECTIVE with you and see what kind of 20  VERB we can accomplish together!