An Adventure At The Creek

One fine day, the Water Keepers of Kite’s Nest went to visit the  ADJECTIVE Siegel Kline Kill, a  TEXTURE  WATER BODY that flows into the Kinderhook Creek, which is a tributary of the Hudson River. This means that it’s the same water that flows by Kite’s Nest, and it will eventually  VERB into the ocean! At the creek, they collected  PLURAL NOUN for their water archives, made  ADJECTIVE land art, and had fun exploring the  COLOR water. “  EXCLAMATION !” Nandi said when she saw a Belted Kingfisher, a common water bird in the area that eats  NOUN and sounds like a  NOUN. “  EXCLAMATION !” Nellie said when she found a  ADJECTIVE ball, which contains the seeds of the Sycamore, an important tree in this kind of habitat. The Sycamore uses the water to  VERB its seeds, and its  ADJECTIVE roots keep the soil intact. It was a  ADJECTIVE adventure. Thank you, Siegel Kline Kill!