The Meeting

Thank you for coming to this  ADJECTIVE meeting about  NOUN. I am glad everyone could make it, especially  1ST PERSONS NAME . I have called you here today to discuss  NOUN. As you know, the  PLURAL NOUN have been  VERB ENDING IN ING. As a result, the  PLURAL NOUN are struggling to  VERB. This is obviously a  ADJECTIVE problem. Does anyone have a solution? Maybe  2ND PERSONS NAME, who is calling in via  METHOD OF COMMUNICATION.  2ND PERSONS NAME, any ideas?  2ND PERSONS NAME? Hmmm...we seem to have lost them. While  NAME OF ASSISTANT gets them back on the line, feel free to help yourself to some refreshments. As you can see there are plenty of  FOOD,  FOOD, and  DRINK on the table behind you