A Wild Python Ride

The API Platform team, together with  PERSONS NAME, set out to upgrade McNulty to Python 3. They knew this would be nearly impossible - like switching  ADJECTIVE  NOUN in  COUNTRY , and a little like  MOVIE , but they were ready to try anyway. They heard it had been done at  COMPANY but it led to  WAY TO DIE . They put together a clear plan, and they all started to feel  EMOTION . The first obstacle was  ADJECTIVE commitments. But they got their new Program Manager to remind teams every day and that helped. Next thing they knew, there were more obstacles...  ADVERB  NOUN were cropping up everywhere. But the team grabbed a  WEAPON and got past that too. Slowly but surely, they made progress, and were days away from the finish line when INCIDENT-19254 stopped them in their tracks. Nobody could remember a  NATURAL DISASTER quite like it. They put the plans on hold and spend a few weeks  ACTIVITY . But now here they are, celebrating like  ADJECTIVE  ANIMAL . They're glad to be done, but they'll always remember  PROJECT MEMORY . Now life is  EMOTION .