How I Feel About Reading

When I think of reading a book, my skin  PLURAL VERB and my heart  PLURAL VERB .  PERSON'S NAME asks me to read for class, and I want to  ADVERB  VERB to  COUNTRY . All of the  ADJECTIVE words on the page can feel  EMOTION . Even though I feel  EMOTION when I read, I still finish the book. I read a  ADJECTIVE book called 'Odd Gods', and the  PLURAL NOUN were  ADJECTIVE . If the book was a color, it would be  COLOR. The story setting is on/at/in  PLACE , and the main character is  PERSON'S NAME . I would describe him as  ADJECTIVE . Ms. Jaime and I might  VERB another  ADJECTIVE book, called 'I Hate Reading'! It is going to be  ADVERB !