L&D World Book Day Mad Lib

A  ADJECTIVE day in the life at Walmart Customer Care L&D! You wake up and  ACTIVITY to start the day. You grab  FOOD OR DRINK and walk into your office to log on for the workday. Once logged in, an email  PLURAL NOUN on to the screen, there is a  ADJECTIVE emergency! Your leader needs you to  VERB with her ASAP. Your lead calls you on zoom to  VERB the situation with you. There is a new  NOUN needed for the business, and she needs you to  VERB the material by  TIME . You get right to work creating the project for your lead to review. First you open  COMPUTER APPLICATION , then you start mapping out the project. You need  PLURAL NOUN from  COWORKER . Time to  VERB them on zoom chat. Zoom Chat: You: Hey,  SAME COWORKER , I have a project from my lead, and I need your help! Do you know how many  PLURAL NOUN there are in a typical Walmart store?  SAME COWORKER : I think there are probably  NUMBER . You: Thank you! Now that you have the information you need, you  VERB the project and send it in to your lead for review, but she has left for the day, and you won’t get any feedback until tomorrow! Hopefully your project is  ADJECTIVE !