Into The Woods

One day I  PAST CONTINUOUS VERB when I decided I was feeling  ADJECTIVE. I decided to take a walk in the forest with my friend  NAME. It was  TYPE OF WEATHER, and the forest was more  ADJECTIVE than we expected. We  PAST CONTINUOUS VERB together, when suddenly, a  TYPE OF MAGICAL CREATURE appeared. It was  COLOR, with  ANOTHER COLOR stripes,  SIZE, and very  ADJECTIVE. It shouted at us, “Hello, you  ADJECTIVE people. Why have you come to the forest?” We explained, “We came because we were feeling very  EMOTION and wanted to see some  OBJECTS FOUND IN FORESTS.” The creature  PAST SIMPLE VERB, and responded, “Well, you must pay a price to pass through my forest. I demand that you pay me  HIGH NUMBER immediately, or there will be dangerous consequences.” “But we don’t have that much money!” We cried. Now, we  VERB IN PAST CONTINUOUS because we were so  ADJECTIVE. “You can pay me the money, or you can  VERB IN ROOT FORM, it’s your choice.” Said the creature. So, we  SAME VERB IN PAST SIMPLE, and then turned around and ran as fast as we could. I will never go into that  ADJECTIVE forest again!