Family Holiday

Family holidays are always  ADJECTIVE . Last year, my  ADJECTIVE family we went to  COUNTRY. My  FAMILY MEMBER named  NAME drove the car. In the car, we all  VERB IN PAST CONTINUOUS and  PAST CONTINUOUS VERB together. Everything was fine, when a  ANIMAL started  VERB ENDING IN ING in the middle of the road.  SAME NAME drove around it quickly but we were all pretty  EMOTION after. Then, we were  PAST CONTINUOUS VERB when  PAST SIMPLE VERB. We couldn't believe it. Finally, we arrived in  COUNTRY. It was so  ADJECTIVE. When we arrived, at the  ADJECTIVE hotel, it was  TYPE OF WEATHER and we ran straight to the  NOUN. We were hungry, so then we ate the   [ADJECTIVE  TYPE OF FOOD/DISH we brought. After lunch, we visited  FAMOUS MONUMENT. We were so  EMOTION we  PAST CONTINUOUS VERB. We ended the day  PAST CONTINUOUS VERB, and  PAST CONTINUOUS VERB. Another tourist asked us to  VERB IN ROOT FORM, so we  SAME VERB IN PAST SIMPLE with her. The next morning we were all  ADJECTIVE, and we drove home. The trip was very  ADJECTIVE.