The Courageous Defender

Once upon a time, there was a  NOUN who was known for  VERB ENDING IN ING the hearts of everyone who  VERB near. They had a special  ADJECTIVE way of  VERB ENDING IN ING that seemed to  VERB people to them. One day, a group of  NOUN (PLURAL)  VERB to  VERB the  NOUN. They were hoping to  VERB with the  NOUN and learn from their  ADJECTIVE approach to  VERB ENDING IN ING. However, the  NOUN was feeling  ADJECTIVE and was not in the mood to  VERB. The  NOUN tried to  VERB with the visitors, but their  ADJECTIVE behavior only seemed to  VERB them away. The visitors began to  VERB the  NOUN and even  VERB them with harm. The  NOUN knew they had to  VERB themselves and  VERB their territory. With a  ADJECTIVE and  ADJECTIVE attitude, the  NOUN  VERB to  VERB themselves and  VERB their  NOUN. They  VERB the visitors with their  ADJECTIVE skills and showed them that they were not to be  VERB or  VERB with. From that day on, the  NOUN was known not only for their  ADJECTIVE way of  VERB ENDING IN ING, but also for their ability to  VERB and  VERB their  NOUN. They had proven themselves to be  ADJECTIVE and  ADJECTIVE, and others knew not to  VERB with them.