Online Presentation Fluke

It was a  ADJECTIVE Monday morning on the Mental Health team and I was just trying to start up my  NOUN. I had  NUMBER case notes to finish and  NUMBER phone calls to make. It was a work from  PLACE day, so I was hoping today was going to be a  ADJECTIVE day. Then, I realized that  PERSONS NAME was calling me. It was  TIME so I thought it was  ADJECTIVE they were calling me at this time. I answered and they  ADVERB said: "Where are you?! Our  NOUN meeting with  COMMUNITY AGENCY started 15 minutes ago... and you're supposed to be presenting on  ADJECTIVE  NOUN!" So I  ADVERB  VERB over to my desk, combed my  NOUN and brushed my  NOUN before signing onto the meeting. My face turned  COLOR as I entered the meeting late and saw  NUMBER people waiting for me. I  ADVERB tried to load my presentation, but instead a picture of my  PLURAL NOUN showed on the screen. I had never been more  FEELING with myself. I finished the presentation and signed off. It was time to  VERB as I took time to call my own therapist,  PERSONS NAME.