Laura And Alysa's Epic Love Story

Once upon a time, in the height of  NOUN in 2015, Laura and Alysa  PAST TENSE VERB and the rest was history. They went to  PLACE on their first date and checked out a  NOUN on their second and third date. They were only a few months into dating and it happened to be April Fools Day, and Laura decided to  VERB Alysa, telling her she was having an allergic reaction to the  ADJECTIVE  NOUN she just ate -- and even though that didn't go as well as planned, they still  PAST TENSE VERB together! Time passed and they explored all around Brooklyn and beyond, going to places like  PLACE ,  PLACE and  PLACE. They were  ADJECTIVE, and loved their adventures together. They  PAST TENSE VERB in together in Windsor Terrace and the  NOUN hit. Their apartment was so  ADJECTIVE that Laura took work calls from the bathroom! During that time, Laura  PAST TENSE VERB to Alysa in  PLACE by the water, and soon after a  NOUN swam by as a blessing! Months later, they upgraded to Park Slope, and that’s when they  PAST TENSE VERB the love of their life,  COLOR . Now, they’re celebrating with you, their best friends and family, and feel so  ADJECTIVE!