What You Can Learn In A Day

Every day, at least  NUMBER times a day,  PLURAL NOUN  VERB  NOUN. Did you know that? My  ADJECTIVE  JOB TITLE  MEANS OF COMMUNICATION  PERSON this when they  VERB a  NOUN and then stopped by my  SOMEWHERE TO LIVE. They  ADVERB  VERB  NOUN but never  VERB on  NOUN. I would trust them with my whole  NOUN, just as would my  FAMILY MEMBER would. They taught me better than any  OCCUPATION ever could. If it wasn't for them I wouldn't know about the  ANIMAL who cried wolf, laws  VERB our country, or that there are  NUMBER letters in the alphabet. But they're not always around.  ADVERB OF FREQUENCY I learn something while I'm  VERB  NOUN or  VERB  NOUN and  ADVERB when I'm  VERB but never when I'm  PLURAL VERB or at  PLACE. When I was  VERB, the  ADJECTIVE  NOUN, off-duty at the time, spoke to me and said "  ADVERB life is  ADJECTIVE and sometimes life is  ADJECTIVE just make sure to  SOMETHING YOU CAN DO and not take  PROPER NOUN too seriously.