Lifeguards C.A.R.E. For Facility Guests

It was a  ADJECTIVE day in May when Noah embarked on his first day of work at SplashLand, America's  ADJECTIVE Water Park! Noah was nervous and his heart was  VERB but he tried to remember everything he learned in his lifeguard class! Noah remembered he needed to be confident! He had been to pre-service trainings and was dedicated to  CONFIDENT VERB a test-ready skill level. He knew that  CONFIDENT VERB his learning with continued participation would make him a confident lifeguard. As he assumed his position on stand he noticed all the bright  COLOR swimsuits and life jackets and knew he was being attentive, as he was trained. He knew that  ATTENTIVE VERB potential issues made him an attentive a proactive lifeguard. He was dedicated to watching his zone of protection  ATTENTIVE ADVERB. Noah recognized that being attentive would in turn help him to be a responsive  NOUN. Noah would be able to quickly  RESPONSIVE VERB a situation and  RESPONSIVE VERB accordingly. Finally, Noah recalled that  EMPATHETIC VERB the guest's needs and emotions would make him an empathetic lifeguard. Acting  EMPATHETIC ADVERB and  EMPATHETIC ADVERB would make it known to the guest that he was  EMPATHETIC VERB the guest's physical and emotional concerns. Noah knew that no matter if he was working in SplashLand or  COUNTRY , he could use C.A.R.E to create positive interactions with his  PLURAL NOUN. The sun was  VERB and Noah was excited for the  FOOD party after work!