The Angry God

 NUMBER years ago, there was a  NOUN and angry God who ruled over the volcanic islands of  COUNTRY . His name was  PERSONS NAME , and he liked to  VERB whenever a new plant grew on his land.  SAME PERSONS NAME was so proud of his crops, that he talked to  PERSONS NAME , the God of weather, to bless his land with plentiful sun and rain. His crops grew  ADVERB and they surrounded the volcanoes on his land. One day,  SAME PERSONS NAME woke up to find another god  VERB ING on his land, and when asked what he was doing there the god responded, "I am here on this  ADJECTIVE land to  VERB and claim it as my own!" This announcement made  SAME PERSONS NAME very upset and  ADJECTIVE , so he began to  VERB and his head turned  COLOR with anger. He yelled and stomped  ADVERB and during his fit of rage, he failed to feel the ground begin to shake. Then,  ONOMATOPOEIA ! The volcanoes all around his island erupted and bubbled over with  COLOR ,  ADJECTIVE lava. "My crops! My crops! My  ADJECTIVE crops!" He yelled as he watched the lava scorch his land. days later when the god had calmed down and the lava stopped flowing, he looked around at his ashy land with sadness from head to  BODY PART . His beautiful and luscious gardens and forests were all gone, and as he cried he began to  VERB with regret. I guess its true that the God who erupts the volcano burns his harvest.