Potion Problems

It was a starlit evening at the Cradle of Darkness.  COOKIE OF DARKNESS FROM COOKIE RUN: KINGDOM decided to try a new potion recipe when Lyra Kitsuya Cookie  VERB into the area and called out to them. "Hey,  COOKIE OF DARKNESS FROM COOKIE RUN: KINGDOM ! What are you doing?" This seemed to catch them off guard. "G-Gah! Lyra! What are doing in here? If  NON COMIC BOOK VILLAIN were to know you're  VERB ENDING IN ING around they'd  VERB me for LUNCH!"  ADJECTIVE ,Lyra decided it would be best to try and  VERB so they wouldn't get in trouble. "Hm... I guess I could let you help on one condition." Lyra then  PAST TENSE VERB and paid attention. "Never under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES,  VERB the others about this unless  PAST TENSE VERB about it. Ok?" Lyra agreed and followed the directions when suddenly they heard a  ADJECTIVE voice. "WHO HAS LYRA IN THE POTIONARY WITH THEM?! WHEN I FIND YOU I'll ENSURE YOU'LL  VERB THE FURY OF THE  MYTHICAL CREATURES!" The two of them knew they were in trouble. Lyra with her  ADJECTIVE thinking knew what to do. "We need to use the ventilation  NOUN and  VERB past the border over the desert plains in  A PLACE IN COOKIE RUN: KINGDOM , and then we'll be safe." So the two of them  MEME ACTION: YEETED/HENRRRY'D outta there into the night never to be found by that very Villain.