Jamie loved lagree. She loved it so much, she thought, " , I should open a lagree studio in  NAME OF A PLACE"--but that didn't make sense, because she lived in Columbus. She  ADVERB approached Jacqui by  VERB ENDING IN right into her house. They decided to name the studio Lagree  NOUN, but that insta handle was already taken, so they settled for Lagree House. They invited  NUMBER of their closest friends to a weird photo shoot that cost  DOLLAR AMOUNT and resulted in really  ADJECTIVE TO DESCRIBE SOMETHING BAD pictures that have never been used. But everything has been better since then. Now they've been open for over a year, have  NUMBER clients and have officially ordered two more megaformers, which take  NUMBER of weeks to produce, but a total of 32 weeks to arrive because Lagree Fitness wants us to suffer. The End.