Margaret And Brady's Love Story

Margaret and Brady met at a  SPORT game  NUMBER years ago when Margaret was playing  SPORT TEAM POSITION. Brady was a  SPORT TEAM POSITION on the apposing team and noticed Margaret in her  TYPE OF UNIFORM right away. Brady  PAST TENSE VERB at her to get her attention. That didn't work. He then  ADJECTIVE  PAST TENSE VERB and Margaret couldn't take her eyes off him. After the game they struck up a conversation and everything was going  ADVERB . They found that they both  PAST TENSE VERB to explore the  PLURAL NOUN , go  PLURAL NOUN and have all sorts of adventures together. One day, Margaret and Brady decide to travel together for a road trip across  LOCATION . Along the way, they shared all sorts of unforgettable experiences: from getting lost in the  LOCATION to attending a  EVENT in Las Vegas. At one point in their journey, Brady has to shop for a  NOUN and Margaret needs some  NOUN suitable for an outdoor  EVENT they are attending. Fast forward a few years, and Margaret is a big fan of  SPORT, the  SPORT TEAM NAME is her favorite team and Brady is an avid  NOUN. One thing they do agree on is Brady is definitely a better  NOUN. Despite their differences, their relationship has remained strong. Last summer Brady decided to surprise Margaret with a romantic camping trip together. He bought to an upcoming  SPORT TEAM NAME game and planned the ultimate Minnesota adventure before the game. The couple spent  LENGTH OF TIME packing and preparing for their trip. They hiked through  PLACE , went boating on crystal clear  PLURAL NOUN, and explored caves filled with  PLURAL NOUN. When the night of the game arrived, Brady had one more surprise in store for Margaret: his  NOUN of marriage! In front of all their friends in attendance at the  PLACE, Brady got down on one  BODY PART and asked Margaret to be his wife. She cried tears of  EMOTION as she said yes!