A Mad (Libs) Day In The Life Of Type 1 Diabetes

I awoke in the night, my heart was  VERB.  EXCLAMATION! There was someone in the kitchen! Is there a  ADJECTIVE burglar or is  NAME having a midnight  NOUN. There was  VERB and  VERB; oh the noise it was  ADJECTIVE. I pulled on my  NOUN and  VERB down the stairs. What a sight did I see! There in the kitchen was  NAME, looking wild and  ADJECTIVE. When I asked if they were okay, they  VERB a reply. They barely looked awake but they were certainly  ADJECTIVE. They had out  NOUN and  NOUN all over the counter. There was  ADJECTIVE  NOUN all down their  NOUN, and  NOUN on the floor too! I watched and I waited, thinking  ADVERB what to say next. But  NAME turned and they  VERB, and went back up to bed! The kitchen was a  ADJECTIVE  NOUN; oh what a mess! I closed the fridge and cleaned up, and then returned to my slumber. The next day,  NAME couldn't even remember! Their showed that their blood glucose had been  ADJECTIVE, and they were just bringing it  ADJECTIVE.  ADJECTIVE days with Type 1 Diabetes!