Spring Break!

Spring break is coming up and we’re going to Florida! The first destination on the list is the beach! Aiden will be bringing ______  NOUN and his towel. He will have to put on ______  NOUN so he doesn’t turn into a lobster. Skyla will need to bring her _______  NOUN as well as her _______  NOUN. These things are a must have at the beach! Brooke wants to bring her ______  NOUN, and she also said she couldn’t go without her _______  NOUN. Ian was so excited for the beach that he forgot his _______  NOUN. Luckily, he remembered his ______  NOUN. We worked up quite the appetite playing at the beach all day, so we decided to go get dinner at _______  RESTAURANT. The funny thing about this restaurant is that they only serve one thing, ______  FOOD ITEM. There _____  FOOD ITEM are the best in the area though and they are all you can eat!! We ate until we could barely move, and then we decided to go back to the hotel. We are staying at the ______  HOTEL . Since we spent the whole day at the beach we decided to do something different the next day. So, we will be going ______  ACTIVITY.