Stephen's Journey!

It all started years ago when a  ADJECTIVE boy named Stephen  PAST TENSE VERB on a plane to go to the great North East. Stephen had packed up his world, including his  NUMBER pets, two of which were Romeo and Parker. They were very  ADJECTIVE pets and by far his favorites. When Stephen arrived in the  ADJECTIVE state of New Hampshire, he grabbed a cold  NOUN and knew he was in a different world. He was both  ADVERB and  ADVERB . Stephen lived in Hooksett, NH, where he was voted in to be the  OCCUPATION for the city. He would work long days and nights in his  ADJECTIVE apartment in University Heights. Which was funny because he also worked at a University. On his  NUMBER day of work at SNHU, he met his new bestie Kurt. He looked up to him and thought he was  ADJECTIVE, yet  ADJECTIVE. Over the next few years, they did everything at work together, including creating great  PROJECT ARTIFACT PLURAL and  PROJECT ARTIFACT PLURAL. They also met Lori, who was very  ADJECTIVE. They constantly exclaimed “, we can do anything together!” SNHU was very lucky to have them! Eventually all three joined a team called the SRP, the  WORD STARTING WITH S  WORD STARTING WITH R  WORD STARTING WITH P. They met many wonderful teammates. Each Holiday, Stephen would knit  CLOTHING PLURAL for each member so they could dress together. And during Holiday parties, Stephen would sneak all of Lori’s holiday  FOOD that she made. It was a great time indeed! As all good things come to an end, Stephen felt the call back to the  ADJECTIVE state of Texas, the land of  FOOD and  FOOD. As he parted, everyone around him knew the wonderful times we had and great journey we had together!