Marriage Advice

Quade, as you prepare for the sacrament of Holy Matrimony with Ana, the men of the Desert Catholic Church on Camp Arifjan wish to impart some important words of wisdom! 1. When  PERSONS NAME asks you to  VERB you should immediately  VERB without question. 2. Like a shepherd naturally leads his flock, you must  VERB your  NOUN with purpose. 3. Ears are made for  VERB, never ignore your  NOUN. 4. You should  ALWAYS/NEVER say "". 5. Beware of  ADJECTIVE children as they often  VERB and  VERB without warning. 6. Always answer the  NOUN when your wife is  VERB-ing. 7. When you  VERB a  NOUN, admit it and humbly seek forgiveness. 8. You are the man of the  NOUN, but she is the Queen of the  NOUN. 9. Intimacy is critical to a happy marriage like  VERB is to  NOUN. 10. Communication is key. Talk about your  PLURAL NOUN,  PLURAL NOUN, and  PLURAL NOUN  NUMBER times every  TIME PERIOD.