Megillah Mad Libs Chap 2

Some time later, the king realized he  VERB Vashti. He was all alone! His  PLURAL NOUN suggested he hold a beauty pageant to find a new  NOUN, and he agreed. One of the people forcibly taken from their home to participate in the beauty pageant was Esther. Esther's nickname was  [NAME] but no one will call her that for the rest of this story. Esther was either the  NOUN or  NOUN of Mordechai -- the Megillah is a little unclear. Esther was Jewish, but Mordechai told her to hide this  ADJECTIVE aspect of her identity, so she didn't tell anyone. Esther was  ADJECTIVE and  ADJECTIVE and really good at  ACTIVITY REQUIRING SKILL so the king decided to  VERB her. She became queen!