The (Not Really) True Story Of Candy Corn

Have you ever wondered where candy corn comes from? Well some  ADJECTIVE people think it is made with sugar and  NOUN, but that is only because they have never heard the true story about candy corn. On a/an  ADJECTIVE farm in a/an  ADJECTIVE land, there are farmers with  ADJECTIVE  NOUN that grow the sweet candy  NOUN plants. On a cool day in early  TIME OF YEAR, when the soil is soft and  ADJECTIVE, under the light of a/an  ADJECTIVE moon, the farmer  VERB ENDING IN S the candy corn seeds. That is how it all begins! When the seeds first  VERB, the candy corn plants are very small, about the size of a/an  POSSESSIVE NOUN ear, but soon the plants grow taller and taller until they are as tall as a/an  NOUN. As the plant grows it must be protected from  PLURAL NOUN who might eat it, so most farmers use a  NOUN to keep the would-be thieves away. When the  NOUN corn is ready to be  VERB ENDING IN ED, the farmers and their families  VERB each orange, yellow and  COLOR kernel individually, carefully placing them into a  NOUN where they are  VERB ENDING IN ED to happy candy corn lovers around the world. So the next time you eat candy corn, remember the  ADJECTIVE farmer who  VERB them!