
It was a  ADJECTIVE and  ADJECTIVE night. children were out trick-or-treating when they came across an old house at the end of the street. The rumor in the neighborhood was that  SPOOKY CHARACTER haunted the house, and the children  EMOTION. One very brave trick-or-treater decided to  ACTION VERB up to the front door and ring the doorbell.  NOISE - they heard the noise from inside the house but no one answered. He rang the bell again—. Still no answer. Then he realized—the door was open. He  ACTION VERB inside, and the door made a loud  PAST TENSE, DIFFERENT NOISE. The house was  ADJECTIVE and  ADJECTIVE, but the child continued in the house. His friends  VERB, PAST TENSE away out of fear, but he was sure that there was no such thing as  SAME SPOOKY CHARACTER. In the living room of the house, there was a big  ITEM OF FURNITURE, on the  SAME ITEM OF FURNITURE sat a big bowl of candy.  CANDY NAME!  CANDY NAME! It was a trick-or-treater’s dream come true! But when he went to take a piece, he heard footsteps in the hallway. Then, he noticed a shadow. It didn’t look like the shadow of a human, but the shadow of a  CREATURE! He  ACTION VERB PAST TENSE out of the house, tipping over the bowl, which made a loud  SOUND! As he turned the corner, he heard the creature yell after him: “Stay away little kid! I’ll  ACTION you for  MEAL."