Welcome Little Baby Lanser

Little Baby Lanser, Welcome to this  ADJECTIVE and  ADJECTIVE world, little one! We've been  ADVERB waiting for your arrival and could not be more  PAST TENSE VERB to meet you! Your arrival marks the start of a very __(adjective, ending in ‘ing’)____ adventure, with so many wonderful things ahead of you. Wherever life may take you, our wish is that you are always surrounded by ___(noun)___, ____(noun)____, and ____(noun)___. We are so proud of your parents, Amanda and Eric. You are very fortunate to have such __(adjective that describes Amanda)__and __(adjective that describes Eric)_ parents. Combining all our years of wisdom together, we leave you with some sage advice. Hold this advice close on your path toward conquering the world. - __(Comfort food)_ and ___(gesture of love)__ make everything better. - Travel the world. Get lost. Meet people. Learn from other cultures. - Live, Laugh, ___(verb)__ is more than just a sign hanging in your kitchen. It is the best way to live your life. - Be ___(adjective)___ to others and yourself (and your pets too!) Sending you all our love, From your biggest ___(another word for cheerleaders)___, ___(a name for the group of people on the call today)____ and future babysitters.