The Love Story Of Aimee & Gangpyeung

Once upon a time, two young high schoolers attended a  ADJECTIVE school in the wonderful land of  PLURAL NOUN . Their names were Aimee and Gangpyeung and they both had so much in common. They both loved  NOUN and playing  GAME . One day, Aimee asked Gangpyeung to  VERB with her to the school dance. He said, "  EXCLAMATION " and they  ADVERB boogied the night away. Much later, they shared a  ADJECTIVE kiss on the top of a  NOUN in  COUNTRY and the rest was history. After  NUMBER years of long-distance, the two  PLURAL NOUN reunite. They both exclaim, "  EXCLAMATION " and  VERB into each other's arms. Then they have a  ADJECTIVE wedding. Aimee's dress was a wonderful  COLOR color, which complimented her  COLOR eyeshadow perfectly. The first thing they did on their wedding night was play a  ADJECTIVE game of  GAME. They lived happily ever after in the land of  PLURAL NOUN . The End!