Going To The Zoo

Today, I went to the Zoo in  COUNTRY with  PERSONS NAME and  PERSONS NAME . After a  NUMBER mile hike from the parking lot, we finally got to the entrance gate. It cost us  NUMBER  PLURAL NOUN to get in, but we were very  ADJECTIVE. After we got in the zoo, the first animals that we saw were  COLOR  ANIMAL PLURAL. They were  VERB ING and looked very  ADJECTIVE. Next, we went to the  COLOR  ANIMAL exhibit where you could feed them lots of  FOOD. Before we saw any more animals, we all went to the  FOOD stand and got  NUMBER  PREVIOUS FOOD . The last animal that we saw before the left the zoo was the  COLOR  ADVERB  VERB ING  ANIMAL PLURAL. Although it was a long,  ADJECTIVE day, we still had a lot of fun and felt very  ADJECTIVE and  ADJECTIVE.