Shark Attack

On sizzling summer days, I  ADVERB enjoy spending time with friends. Some of my friends and I were  ADVERB bored, so we decided to plan a trip to the beach. We  ADVERB and  ADVERB packed our bags, loaded the car, and drove for the beach. We  ADVERB headed to the water. We went swimming and were  ADVERB splashing around. Then, I was  ADVERB bit by a shark on the leg! I was  ADVERB injured and  ADVERB getting worse. My friends screamed  ADVERB before rushing to help. They  ADVERB dragged me to the beach. I flopped down  ADVERB and saw everyone coming to help. I closed my eyes  ADVERB , thinking  ADVERB about what happened. I  ADVERB open my eyes and see the sun rising from my bedroom window. Was I  ADVERB dreaming?