Alicia's Farewell Story

It’s been  NUMBER short years since Alicia was hired here at the  ADJECTIVE FRIENDS National Center for CBCAP. During her time here she has accomplished  ADJECTIVE things and has had a/an  ADJECTIVE impact on  NUMBER people. She has a/an  ADJECTIVE heart and was always willing to  VERB in and help where needed. She is such a/an  ADJECTIVE team member that at any given moment you can call her office to find her working on  VERB ENDING 'ING'. We are deeply going to  VERB her, which will make this transition  VERB. We understand that Alabama (and Sallye) have called her to  PLACE, so we must continue to  VERB on her decision to  VERB. We especially remember that  ADJECTIVE meeting where she  ADVERB  VERB and  VERB. Everyone was  VERB ENDING 'ED' at the way she presented  NOUN. Remember that staff meeting in  CITY, FLORIDA? Alicia looked so  ADJECTIVE as she  PAST TENSE VERB the  NOUN. Everyone {Verb past tense} so hard! We want to thank Alicia for the hard work she put into her  NOUN. Those who know Alicia would typically describe her as  ADJECTIVE,  ADJECTIVE,  ADJECTIVE, and  ADJECTIVE. We are going to miss those characteristics around here. Thank you, Alicia, for those  ADJECTIVE conversations that inspired us to achieve our best. As a staff we are going to miss your  ADJECTIVE,  ADJECTIVE, and  ADJECTIVE attitude. Most of all we will miss the tireless hours you spent in  VERB the  NOUN. While you may be in a new position, we will not  VERB you any time soon. You have made a/an  ADJECTIVE difference and the CBCAP community is grateful. Good luck in your new position and try to not forget about us here at FRIENDS.