Stop HIM

was walking down a flight of stairs when  NOUN pushed him down the stairs, causing him to  NOUN. He woke up with a  ADJECTIVE, as hard as a rock he took two steps forward and said  NOUN. He started to  VERB while playing the piano, he reached  PLACE which he demanded money form this  COLOR person. He talked at her saying “ Get on the  NOUN ground before I shot your  NOUN.” He triped over a  NOUN causing him to  VERB. He landed on a  NOUN which went so dare up his butt the doctors couldn’t take it out with a  NOUN.  SAME PERSONS NAME was unable to  VERB while eating a banana anymore, he grabbed his  NOUN and started to stroke it for the last time. He went all across  COUNTRY showing off his big  PLURAL NOUN before having a heart attack and  NOUN.