In The Life Of GEAR UP

'Twas the night before FAFSA, when all through the school not a student was stirring, not even a  NOUN. The FAFSA Frenzies were scheduled with KHEAA there, in hopes that  NOUN would show up prepared. I went  NOUN all  ADJECTIVE and got fed, while visions of money danced in my  NOUN. The next day on the way to  PLACE, I stopped at  PLACE to grab a  FOOD OR DRINK. My CCC called and said  YOUR NAME come  ADVERB! The internet is down and we can't do this yet! Oh no! I scrame as I was in  ADJECTIVE, My event has to be canceled, oh how will it fair? When out in the  PLACE IN SCHOOL there arose such a clatter, I sprang from my  NOUN to see what was the matter. Away to the hall I flew like a flash, tore open the door, and threw up the  NOUN. The families were lined all the way to the  NOUN, I gave the hollar to my  SCHOOL PERSONEL TITLE,  INTERJECTION ! when, what to my wondering eyes should appear, but a  NOUN and then tax papers appear. With a little idea, so  ADJECTIVE and  ADJECTIVE , I knew in a moment I must get my hotspot! More rapid than eagles, my  SCHOOL PERSONEL TITLE came  ADJECTIVE , and they  VERB and  VERB and got to the families  ADJECTIVE : "Now Families! Now Families! Now, Students and All! To the  SCHOOL ROOM and quick! To the top of the stairs and away with a  ADJECTIVE! Now get that money and do it FAST! The students all cheered Yay  YOUR NAME! Your saved the day and we can  VERB to college, oh yay!