My Summer 2022!!

A vacation is when you take a trip to some  ADJECTIVE place. This summer, I went OOO and did some  VERB ENDING IN ING as I wore my favorite  COLOR  CLOTHING ITEM. I also enjoyed eating  NOUN and I even learned how to  VERB. It was so nice not thinking about  TAX TOPIC,  TAX TOPIC, and  CLIENT PET PEEVE. While I was away, my email was flooded with  NUMBER new emails about  PLURAL NOUN. Kristen saved the day by  POSITIVE VERB ENDING IN ING and  ARTISTIC VERB ENDING IN ING all my Redmine issues. The night before coming back to the office, I had a dream that Rus and Eric, in matching  PLURAL NOUN, came up with a scheme to  VERB. They  FAILED/SUCCEEDED, and Brass Taxes became a company that also offers  SOMETHING GROSS and  SOMETHING DELICIOUS. Upon returning, I was very productive and wrote many KB articles about  ABSTRACT TAX PROBLEM and  IMPROBABLE CLIMATE SOLUTION and saved  ENDANGERED SPECIES from extinction. One thing led to another, I found myself on  FAV MEDIA SHOW/OUTLET and was invited to be the personal tax advisor to  FAMOUS PERSON. Together, we deducted  NUMBER dollars in  PLURAL NOUN for their pet  EXOTIC ANIMAL, named  NAME. In conclusion, I’m happy I didn’t catch  FICTITIOUS ILLNESS and that my  PART OF BODY and  KITCHEN UTENSIL are working great. Just in time for  NOUN season!!