But I'm The Final Girl!

I can't believe I survived and made it here. I was  GERUND VERB with my  PLURAL NOUN. But then, a  MAGICAL CREATURE appeared! It  PAST TENSE VERB  NAME to death! We all  PAST TENSE VERB for our lives! I wound up at  PLACE, feeling  FEELING. One by one, I found my  SAME PLURAL NOUN and we tried to find  MACGUFFIN. But, would you believe it?  NAME started  GERUND VERB and we had to  VERB him. I totally  PAST TENSE VERB my  CLOTHING ITEM/BODY PART, too. Then,  NAME got  PAST TENSE VERB and there's no way  PRONOUN survived that. AND THEN,  NAME  PAST TENSE VERB the whole group! I got totally covered in  SUBSTANCE! By the end, it was just me and  NAME, my  TITLE/POSITION. Things seemed desperate, but  PRONOUN  PAST TENSE VERB  SAME PRONOUN, POSSESSIVE-self to  VERB me. I  PAST TENSE VERB as hard as I could, and escaped here through a  NOUN. What happened to you  COLLECTIVE NOUN?