But I'm The Final Girl

I can't believe I survived and made it here. I was  GERUND VERB with my  PLURAL NOUN. But then, a  MAGICAL CREATURE appeared! It  PAST TENSE VERB  NAME to death! We all  PAST TENSE VERB for our lives! I wound up at  PLACE, feeling  FEELING. One by one, I found my  SAME PLURAL NOUN and we tried to find  NOUN. But, would you believe it?  NAME started  GERUND VERB and we had to  VERB him. I totally  PAST TENSE VERB my  CLOTHING ITEM/BODY PART, too. Then,  NAME got  PAST TENSE VERB and there's no way  PRONOUN survived that. AND THEN,  NAME  PAST TENSE VERB the whole group! By the end, it was just me and  NAME, my  TITLE/POSITION. Things seemed desperate, but  PRONOUN  PAST TENSE VERB  SAME PRONOUN, POSSESSIVE-self to  VERB me. I  PAST TENSE VERB as hard as I could, and escaped here through a  NOUN. What happened to you  COLLECTIVE NOUN?