Captain Cook’s Landing At Botany Bay

Sunday 29th April 1770 Almost a week had passed since Lieutenant Hicks  PAST TENSE VERB ‘land ahoy’ and heralded our discovery of the east coast of New Holland. Since then, we have  PAST TENSE VERB the Endeavour steadily northwards, keeping land in sight all the while. We have been kept busy mapping the coastline of this  ADJECTIVE and  ADJECTIVE land. On the morning of Sunday 19th April, we  PAST TENSE VERB a place of  ADJECTIVE interest. It was a wide but shallow inlet. We  ADVERB dropped anchor off a low headland covered with sand dunes. The  ADJECTIVE number of stingrays caught that morning prompted me to rather  ADVERB name this place ‘Stingrays Harbour’. Around lunchtime, we lifted anchor and  PAST TENSE VERB the Endeavour into the inlet. On either headland, we  VERB natives. Soon after we  PAST TENSE VERB anchor again, a number of fellow sailors and myself set out in a  NOUN to investigate . As we drifted toward the  NOUN, I said to sailor Isaac Smith, ‘Jump out, Isaac,’ thus making him the first  NOUN to set foot on the fabled east coast of New Holland. We all soon followed and  VERB through the shallow,  ADJECTIVE water to the shore. Before long, two natives came down from a group of six or so huts not far from our landing point. One was an  ADJECTIVE man, the other a younger fellow. We offered them  ADJECTIVE gifts but they would not accept them. Perhaps they had misunderstood what we had said. Nonetheless, one of my  NOUN then took up a musket and  PAST TENSE VERB a shot over their heads, wounding the old man slightly. They promptly  VERB back to their huts and came back with a number of other men. Not a moment later, they threw  ADJECTIVE spears at us - all landing harmlessly I am glad to say. We fired two more musket rounds over their heads and fortunately, they left us.  ADVERB we crept up to the group of huts. Inside we found only a small huddle of children but no sign of adults. Unable to communicate with the youngsters, we left a gift of  ADJECTIVE beads and returned to our boats. I am now back in my  ADJECTIVE cabin. What an eventful day. We shall stay here another week or so I should think, then continue our explorations up the east coast of this most  ADJECTIVE land. Who knows what wonders we might find?