Hi, I'm  YOUR NAME. I'm an HR Coordinator!  POSITIVE EXCLAMATION ! It's a sweet job. My day typically begins at  HOUR IN THE MORNING am. with a cup of lukewarm  BEVERAGE and some stale  SNACK. Next, I read the  # BETWEEN 1 100 new emails in my inbox and review my schedule. Today, I have  HIGH NUMBER of meetings. Some are about  HR TOPIC, others are about  FAVORITE HR TOPIC and  LEAST FAVORITE HR TOPIC projects, but mostly the meetings are to prepare me for future meetings. I've been assigned to help with many projects for  MARITAL STATUS  OCCUPATION from  PM OFFICE. Next, is lunch at my desk - Cold  FOOD from the local takeout joint and catching up on the last episode of  FAV SHOW on Hulu. In the afternoon, I have a call with our HR Central team. For fun, I tell them I'm currently taking  NUMBER of days of vacation and ask  PERSON ON HR CENTRAL to cover for me. When I need a mental break, I sometimes try  TYPE OF EXERCISE +ING in place at my desk and reflect on my favorite inspirational quote by  CELEBRITY, "Be the reason someone verb today". It's a good reminder about why I'm in HR.