What Did Florida Man Do This Time?

In today's activity, you have to gather clues around the classroom to weed fact from fiction and reveal what bizarre and unusual crimes Florida Man truly committed. There are adjectives, nouns and verbs scattered around, and your objective is to piece together an actual headline associated with the latest absolute madlad. 1. Florida Man arrested for  VERB half a   [ADJECTIVE man's  NOUN. 2. 22-year old Florida Man suspected of burglary is  VERB by 11-foot  NOUN while  VERB from the police. 3. Florida Man protects his  NOUN by parking it in his  PLACE . 4. Florida Man fights a  NOUN that tried to  VERB his dog. 5. Florida Man is bitten in the face by  NOUN while playing  NOUN. 6. Florida Man arrested for trying to get  NOUN  ADJECTIVE from  NOUN. 7. Florida Man arrested for  VERB with his  NOUN at Walmart. 8. Florida Man attempts to steal a  NOUN by hiding them in his  NOUN. 9. Florida Man arrested for eating  PLURAL NOUN in the middle of  PLACE . 10. 18-year-old Florida Man pretends to be a  NOUN, arrested for opening his own fake  PLACE .