Office Party Oath

Tonight is the  ADJECTIVE office holiday party, and I do hereby promise that I will not make the same  ADJECTIVE mistakes as last year. I will not  VERB too much eggnog and fall on my  BODY PART. When my boss wishes me a merry  NOUN, I will not shout, "What am I? A/An  NOUN magnet?!?" I will not sniff near my boss's wife and ask her why she's marinating in such a/an  ADJECTIVE perfume. I will not make photocopies of my  BODY PART and dance on the  NOUN. I will not step in the  TYPE OF FOOD while dancing on the  PREVIOUS NOUN. I understand that it does not amuse my colleagues when I joke, "This isn't an office, it's a/an  PLACE with fluorescent lighting!" This year I promise I will be on my most  ADJECTIVE behavior because, for the love of Pete, I cannot keep looking for a new job every New Year's Day!