Tail Tales

There are many different uses for tails. Cougars use their  ADJECTIVE tails for balance. Rattlesnakes  VERB their tails to say "Danger, leave me alone!" Other animals have weapon tails. The porcupine has  NUMBER of spines on its tail to fight of predators. Fish tails help them swim through the  NOUN and opossum tails help them grab onto  NOUN.  EXCLAMATION! The beavers slap their tails against the water when there is trouble around. Wolves communicate with their tails too. They may  VERB their tails when they are being submissive or unhappy. Foxes and squirrels use their  ADJECTIVE tails as blankets on cold nights. Peacocks fan and swish their  ADJECTIVE tails to attract a mate, but deer just swish their tails to get rid of  NOUN. What tail do you want to hear a tale about?