Rhonda And Krista's Best Day Ever!

It was a  ADJECTIVE day for Rhonda and Krista. They didn't know it yet, but it was about to be their Best Day Ever! Rhonda and Krista hopped on their bikes and met up with  PERSONS NAME to get the scoop! Turns out, the Ice Cream Truck was in town, and Krista had to get her hands on a bomb pop. They  ADVERB put on their helmets and  ADVERB hopped on their bikes. Rhonda's favorite  COLOR bike had a flat tire! They had to  VERB to the Ice Cream Truck instead! It was 10 blocks away. They were in luck though, because  ADVERB around the corner came Anne in her  COLOR Corvette! They hopped in, Rhonda loved the  ADJECTIVE seats. Just so happened, Anne was on her way to the Ice Cream Truck, too! They  ADVERB drove around, but they could not find the truck. But Krista had an idea! She said, "Let's  ADVERB  VERB, that will help us find it!" So that's what they did, and it led them right to the Ice Cream Truck! They exclaimed in unison, "Wow! This really is the Best Day Ever!"