I found a baby in my 2 inch backpack. It reached up and grabbed my  NOUN while  VERB it’s name “  BOYS NAME! It  ADVERB  VERB out of the backpack and  VERB over to the  NOUN. It sat down and cried, “I want my  TYPE OF FOOD!” Now, one thing I haven’t told you is that I’m a/an  PROFESSION from the country  COUNTRY. I specialize in  PLURAL NOUN and when this baby turned on the button for the  COLOR  NOUN it created a hole in the multiverse,  VERB ENDING IN ING the child into the unknown. I  ADVERB chased after, passing a  MADE UP CREATURE that was screaming “!” while at the same time eating  EXOTIC FOOD out of its  BODY PART. When I finally reached the baby, it seemed like it had aged  NUMBER years. It also looked  ADJECTIVE and it’s face had turned a sickly  COLOR. I raced back to the lab and placed the baby on the  NOUN. I sat on my bed, contemplating my life choices, and opened my favorite book,  TITLE OF A BOOK