A Day At The Beach

We arrived at the beach with a  NOUN across our  BODY PART PLURAL . The sun was  ADJECTIVE and the breeze  ADVERB cut through the warmth of the day. Our family  PAST TENSE VERB out of the  VEHICLE and  PAST TENSE VERB towards the sand. We stopped at a/an  TYPE OF FOOD shop and ordered some  TYPE OF FOOD to fill our  ADJECTIVE  BODY PART PLURAL. After the  ADJECTIVE snack we put down our  PLURAL NOUN and  NOUN and  PAST TENSE VERB into the ocean. After a little while, my  FAMILY MEMBER felt a sting and turned to see a  ADJECTIVE jellyfish  VERB ENDING IN ING next to him. He  VERB and ran really  ADJECTIVE, howling like a  NOUN.