Jonathan's Adventure

One day, a(n)  ADJECTIVE person named Jonathan Fryerwood was taking a walk down the streets of  CITY NAME when they suddenly heard a loud noise! It sounded like a  NOUN was shouting "  EXCLAMATION!" Jonathan was feeling a bit  FEELING, but  ADVERB approached the source of the noise. What they discovered was beyond their wildest imagination - a(n)  ANIMAL was playing the  MUSICAL INSTRUMENT - very  ADVERB. A(n)  ADJECTIVE crowd had gathered to watch this spectacle, and Jonathan considered staying to watch as well, but knew that they had a very  ADJECTIVE mission to complete. You see, Jonathan needed to go to  PLACE to get  PLURAL NOUN for their wife. If Jonathan didn't get these items, their wife would be very  ADJECTIVE with them. Jonathan continued on their mission until they reached  PLACE. They spotted the items they needed, and approached the vendor to purchase them. "Hello there,  PERSONS NAME!" they said, reading the vendor's name tag. "I need to purchase  NUMBER  PLURAL NOUN for my  ADJECTIVE wife!" The vendor looked  ADJECTIVE and said "I suppose I can sell you those, but it will cost you  NUMBER  CURRENCY (PLURAL)." Jonathan  PAST TENSE VERB and said "Don't worry - I have just enough!" They reached into the pocket of their  ARTICLE OF CLOTHING and pulled out  NUMBER  PLURAL NOUN. The exchange was made! Jonathan  ADVERB made their way home to their  ADJECTIVE wife, Maggie, who was  VERB ENDING IN ING with their  ANIMAL, Wallace. Maggie greeted Jonathan with a(n)  ADJECTIVE smile and said "I knew you would be able to find my items for me, because you are a(n)  ADJECTIVE spouse!" Jonathan felt very  ADJECTIVE, and everything was well.