A Day In The Life Of Lourie Center

 ADVERB  ADJECTIVE  VERB  PERSONS NAME  PLURAL VERB  PLURAL NOUN  COLOR  PLACE  COUNTRY  PAST TENSE VERB it was a sunny and busy morning at the lourie center. Although traffic into downtown Columbia had been slow due to a morning train parked on the tracks, several fun events were on the schedule, such as water aerobics, a yoga class, a spanish class, a zumba class, a jazz dance class, a board meeting, plus a Golden Kiwanis meeting. When people arrived the front desk attendant Geneva greeted them with her typical cheery "Good Morning!" salutation. Class members Rosemary, Michael, and Maxine got their heart rates up boogying to the song "Livin la vida loca", which was vibrating through one part of the building. Elsewhere people stretched the lotus pose and quietly chanted "ohmmmmmmm". Students of spanish recited themes on weather (Hace calor=It is hot) while the Golden K Kiwanis enjoyed morning refreshments of biscuits and coffee, listening to a guest from Charlotte, NC speak on the topic of helping children to learn to read. the LC board of directors meeting had a full agenda of important topics to discuss such as the fall fundraiser, the winter fundraiser, the spring fundraiser, and the conundrum of who exactly is in charge of funding at richland county and city of columbia councils. they decided to host a ticketed margarita and line dance party at christmas and call it a day. after these events our tire but happy folks left class in groups of twos and threes headed to their cars. they lingered in conversation in the parking lot enjoying the additional social time and perhaps making plans to get together for lunch at diprato's or the gourmet shop . we hope to see them again soon for class at the lourie center!