Teaching Toddlers

The first day of preschool was  ADJECTIVE and  ADJECTIVE , so I was so excited to meet my students.  GRANDMA NAME was a  ADJECTIVE little girl in a  COLOR  ARTICLE OF CLOTHING . She  PAST TENSE VERB into the room and shouted "I'm ready! Let's play!" I knew we would have a great time. The next  NOUN to come to class was  SWEDISH NAME . They had a  ADJECTIVE  NOUNin their hand, that they wanted to bring to class and share with all the  PLURAL NOUN . I could tell this child had a  ADJECTIVE heart. Next, little  GRANDPA NAME entered the room  ADVERB , looking at the  PLURAL NOUN and the  PLURAL NOUN . He had big  COLOR eyes, that looked a little nervous, but  EMOTION. I offered to help him unpack his  NOUN and introduce him to the rest of the  PLURAL NOUN . He gave me a shy smile as he took my  BODY PART and we  PAST TENSE VERB together to the circle time rug. It only took  AMOUNT OF TIME for him to make some great friends that he could  VERB with. I knew in that moment that this preschool year was going to be  ADJECTIVE .