My Weird Family: Perfected

I was riding my  VEHICLE home from school. A normal  AGE-year-old thing to do. I walked inside my  ADJECTIVE-looking house, only to be ambushed by my younger sister, . She threw a  NOUN at me, and then  PAST TENSE VERB away. Just then, my dad yelled out, “What do you want for dinner? Are  PLURAL NOUN okay?” I gave my answer and grudgingly  PAST TENSE VERB to my room. On my way there, I passed  BOY'S NAME, who was coming out of the training room. He’d just finished practicing for  WEIRD OR UNCOMMON HOBBY. I put away my school supplies when I find a baby in my back pack! “Pinklet,” I groan. She squealed and grabbed my  NOUN. I don’t know how or when she got there, and I really don’t care. That’s when I finally realized, my family is a bit  VERB.